How to Write Paper
Instruction for Author:
The editorial staff is willing to assist some scientists or students from some developing countries. The cost of publication may be reduced or waived, if your library or department has already subscribed the Int. JISEAT journal.
How to submit Menuscript
Submission guide and review of manuscripts is mandatory for all types of papers. Please prepare your manuscript following the instructions for authors given below before submitting it online at Manuscript preparation guidelines If submission is completed successfully, a manuscript ID will appear on screen and an e-mail acknowledgement will follow. All correspondence should be routed via the Assistant Editor, at
The manuscripts to be accepted are needed to be formatted strictly according the international guidelines of documentation. The reviewing team in editing department will thoroughly study the documents. The documents will then be considered for further action. To avoid any sort of confusion it is advisable for authors to get their papers checked by an internationally recognized editing service. For preparation of manuscripts please follow manuscript preparation guidelines.
Pre-submission enquiries
Due to the high number of submissions we receive, we are unfortunately unable to provide pre-submission feedback. If you are unsure whether your paper falls within the journal’s scope, we advise you to submit your paper to the journal via our online submission site. This will be the quickest way to obtain feedback from the editors. All papers submitted to the Journal undergo an initial assessment to check whether the paper is in scope. If the editors judge the paper to be more appropriate for a journal with a different scope, they will send a letter with that advice quite quickly.
For more info about Submission Guide to write us at:
Submit your article directly to: